Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Ugghh!! Lice - our first experience....

Administering a treatment on Silka's hair
Well, it was inevitable that we would eventually be invaded by those pesky little critters - LICE! Well, you can imagine my horror. This is our first experience with them. It is a much more common occurrence in Australia than in Canada. AND to make it even better, not only did Silka get them but Mommy has them as well. I guess my huge head of hair proved to be irresistible. We spent the morning slathering on the conditioner, combing them out and applying a ten minute treatment. The beds have been stripped and added to the pile of towels, pillows and clothing recently worn and yet to be washed. Oh, what fun!

1 comment:

  1. We've had it twice here Leslie. Such an ick feeling that lasted in the house for days...even after the sanitation process. I think we're almost out of the woods with the grades they are in now :)
    LOVE the photos on here. Such a beautiful family!
