Tuesday, March 29, 2011

March 22nd - 24th: Tom's Skin Diving Trip on Rottnest Island

getting ready for a dive
Tom was given the opportunity to accompany the outdoor ed class at Mount Lawley on their skin diving trip on Rottnest Island. Greg Baker, the outdoor ed teacher who arranges this trip every year, is retiring so this was the last skin diving trip. 

Tom really enjoyed himself - went on a night dive and three dives during the day while he was over there. The teachers stayed in rustic cabins while the kids camped in their tents. The island is inhabited by Quokkas and Peacocks and Tom found himself shooing them away from their picnic area often and even had to gently coax a quokka out of the shower with

a quokka and peacock hangin' around
his foot. You are almost wading through them and they refer to it as 'Quokka Soccer'. They thrive on the island but are endangered everywhere else.
I think he has found a new sport to enjoy while here - loves diving down and swimming through little caves and underwater stone arches...and maybe he will even catch a crayfish.

quokka - so cute!
Greg Baker and a student who caught crayfish

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