Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Leslie's first Art Exhibit in Perth....

Putting on the last strokes in my art class
at the Freemantle Art Centre
Well, I have started to do what I hoped to do
when I arrived in Perth - paint again. The last
time I had enough time to create like this was
pre-kids. I am not complaining. I love helping
the kids with school art projects, making ice
mosaics in the winter and fitting in creative ideas
wherever else I can. This is different. This feeds
my soul. I am half-way through my course at the
Freemantle Art Centre and it has been fantastic
so far. I look forward to starting a new canvas
this Friday. 'Infinite Broome' is up at the
Atwell House Art Gallery until Sunday, March
20th. It would be wonderful if it sells, however,
it does look nice on Stephen and Angela's wall.
I have become a member of the Freo Art Centre
and plan on taking courses throughout the year.
When I get back to Canada I vow to continue
and not let life get in the way of what I love to
do best. Thank you to Tom and my kids for
supporting me and for my family and friends
who have encouraged me to continue.
Opening Night at the Atwell House Gallery,
March 15, 2011
"Infinite Broome",
Leslie Kirby-Olvet, 2011


  1. Hi Leslie,

    Your painting is beautiful. I'm glad that you are getting back into painting. I'm trying to get into it! I'm taking more art courses this summer and want to take one next year also.

    I hope everything goes well at your art exhibition! :)


  2. Gorgeous Leslie!
    And to have it up somewhere instead of leaning it against a wall by the laundry machines...BRAVO!
    I am so envious!

  3. Yeahhhhh!!!!!!!!!
    And if you dare try let life get in the way of your painting upon your return, I'm going to kick your ass. I promise.
    But something tells me I won't need to.

  4. Wow - I love your work and enthusiasm!!
    Wish you were around to help me organize a spring arts festival at school. We dearly miss you all and will toast to your skin diving/body surfing as we hit the slopes again this weekend!
    Wishing you all the best -with much love, the Graffords
