Sunday, March 20, 2011

Leslie turns 42!

I still shake my head when I think of me being in
my forties but here I am celebrating my 42nd.....
I enjoyed a low-key celebration with Tom and
the kids. We went out to a great Vietnamese
restaurant that the "wine professor" (Stephen
Satchell) introduced us to and then enjoyed some
whopper cake while we watched one of my all
time favourite movies, Rob Reiner's 'The
Princess Bride'.
Thank you to all those who sent me birthday


  1. Happy Birthday Leslie. Eric and I are having so much fun reading your blog and keeping tabs on your adventures. Sounds like you guys are having an amazing time. We are jealous!

    xoxo Jill & Eric

  2. That's Paula's all-time fav movie, too. And in my mind you're still 34. Not that there's anything wrong with 42, just you seem more what I imagined (remember) 34 being than what I thought 42 was all about.

  3. Hiya Leslie, Tom, Rein & Silka - It's Aunt Tacos with apologies for missing Leslie's 42nd birthday. I knew in the abstract that The Day was March 17 - but - as usual - when The Day actually came, it snuck by me. Now it's too late to celebrate in a timely fashion. Oh well - maybe I can make it up to you when I see you in person. Yes, I am definitely coming to visit, but without the Handsome & Popular Uncle Garry. For various reasons he cannot travel with me. I'll be in touch for travel tips. I'm assuming that my best course of action will be to do whatever you did to get to Australia & then look around for other travel opportunities while "on site". 'Til we meet again, love & hugs (from Florida - heading North on April 20)
