Sunday, February 27, 2011

February 23rd, 2011: McWilliam's Wine Dinner

The Wine Professor (Stephen Satchell) took us to a superb evening of wine tasting. We went on Wednesday evening, the day Tiiu and Peter flew to Sydney. We hired a babysitter for the first time since we left Canada. We were taken to Dear Friends, one of Perth's most prestigious restaurants, where we were greeted at the door by a young and dashing waiter holding a tray of Taittinger Brut. We enjoyed this with an appetizer as outlined on the menu above. The wines featured were all owned by McWilliam Wines ( an Australian wine we are familiar with in Canada). Stephen McWilliam was there to speak at the event and describe the wines chosen for the evening. Tom, of course, managed to get his autograph on our menu. It was fantastic - the foods paired with the wines were wonderful. I don't remember much after the fifth glass of wine (apparently, you don't have to drain the glass every time like I did- it is a tasting). Luckily, it was not a repeat of the last halloween party I attended.... Thank you so much, Stephen, for sharing this experience with us! 


  1. Talk about envious! Mr Satchell - I expect this pampering when Ang & I return! We are very happy you had a great night Tom & Leslie .. you were spoilt rotten!

  2. Happy Birthday Leslie!
    I've been reading your blog and think it's fantastic. What an amazing experience for everyone. Some of the places bring back faint memories. I can almost smell them. Beautiful paintings Les!
