Tuesday, February 1, 2011

February 2nd, 2011 - The Kids' First Day at Aussie School

Too excited to sleep any longer, Rein was up at 6 a.m. ready to go. He was able to refrain from waking his sister up until about 7 a.m. Silka came out of her bedroom all dressed up in her school uniform. She was so excited that she refused to eat breakfast. I knew that they were going to have a snack shortly after school started so I didn't push it. Here they are in front of their school - Kyilla Primary School. I took Rein to his classroom first and made sure that he was settled before I took Silka to hers. I stayed a bit with her until her teacher kicked us parents out. Tom also headed off today for his first day of teaching students. I will be thinking of them all as I nurse this bad cold that I caught from Silka, I think. 
On their last day of no school yesterday, I took the kids to Whiteman Park where they could pet koalas and pet and feed Kangaroos. Sorry everyone, I forgot the camera so no pictures unfortunately. 

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