Friday, February 25, 2011

February 15th, 2011 - More Beach and barbecue: Rein and Silka's Version

On the 15th, we had
our first visitor
from Canada -
Laura Barkley, a
teacher who coached
volleyball with Tom
back at home. She
was near the end
of her trip in
Australia and Perth
was one of her last
stops. We thought the
best way to
introduce her to
Perth is to
introduce her to
their beach barbecue
culture. I remembered
the camera this time
and got a bunch of
shots of Rein body-
surfing and Silka
playing and performing
pirouettes in the sand.
Rein is getting pretty good
at reading the waves and
knowing when to catch
one for a ride or dive
under if he decides not to.
He still thinks that any
surf is safe to swim in
so we still have him on
a "leash". We are think-
ing of getting both of
them into the "Little
Nippers" program that
they offer here through
the Life-Saving and Surf
Rescue Clubs here. Silka
is still happy to just play
on the beach and race the
waves coming in.
Tom has slipped into the
barbecue culture with
enthusiasm. For those
of you who come visit, you
can be sure that you will
enjoy at least one while
you are here. Did I already
mention that you are
allowed to drink openly
here? Makes the
barbecue that much better.....

1 comment:

  1. Hi guys! It seems like you're having an amazing time, and doing some really cool things. The pictures are beautiful. I especially love the ones of Rein and Silka playing at the beach - they're great photos.

    Have fun surfing!! :)
