Monday, September 12, 2011

September 6th: Kyilla Primary Sports Carnival

Go Selkirk!
Rein waiting to race
Rein running the Zig-Zag Race
zig, zag, zig, zag...
 The kids participated in the school's sports carnival last week. On the morning of, Rein woke up feeling extremely nervous. That translated into him stomping around and grumbling at everybody while getting ready for school. It was originally supposed to be the Friday before but they cancelled it because it was supposed to rain that day. Well, it did. Torrential downpours all day long. Tuesday was a glorious day - maybe even too glorious. Despite me slathering on sunscreen two or three times I still got more sun than I wanted.
Rein running the Flag Race
Silka running the Flag Race
The first of Rein and Sila's races that day was Rein's yr three 75 meter race. They were a tight pack the whole way and he came in with a respectable 6th place - he and I were very pleased. Rein's next race was the zig zag race and his team won for year three. Then there was the flag race and his team won that one as well. The morning was over fast and Rein ate lunch with me before the afternoon races commenced. Silka and her class showed up after lunch for their two races - a 50 meter run and a flag race. Rein and I watched and cheered her on as she came in first in her heat of the 50 meter race - we nickname her Silka "the bullet" Olvet. She was very excited. Then she ran the flag race and did very well - the kids were pretty cute trying to remember which flag to grab next.
Rein ran his flag race and then did a relay race after. They split the school in half and assigned half of them to the Selkirk team (blue) and the Vincent team (yellow). Rein and Silka are on the Selkirk team for carnivals throughout the year. The Selkirk team won that day.
which flag do I pick up now??
It was wonderful to be there and cheer them on! Rein's nervousness quickly melted away and he was all smiles at the end of the day.

having a great time!

Rein watching his sister

Silka "the bullet" Olvet

Rein playing with a classmate

Rein running the Relay Race

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