Friday, September 9, 2011

Father's Day Breakfast at Silka's Pre-Primary Class

Silka and Tom at Pre-Primary's Father's Day Breakfast
Well the Dads were treated just as well as the Moms in Silka's Pre-Primary class. Father's Day falls on the first Sunday in September here in Australia. So, Tom enjoyed a Father's Day twice this year.The Dads were invited to join Silka's class on Thursday, September 1st for a special breakfast and special performance. When they Dads arrived at 8:30 a.m., they were escorted into the classroom by their child. The kids then served up breakfast. Silka and Tom ate toast and cereal together. Then the kids sang a few songs for them and then they took pictures before the Dads headed off to work.
It really made Tom's day and he couldn't help but smile throughout the day when he thought about Silka and her classmates' performances.
Don't you just love the shirt Silka drew on her picture of Tom? And look at those eyelashes....
A video of one of their songs is below - enjoy!

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