Sunday, September 18, 2011

September 18th: Our Seventh Anniversary

Trying not to laugh as we wait 10 seconds
Ah, the happy couple
 Well, we have arrived at our seventh anniversary without an "itch"....ha, ha, ha...

We had the babysitter booked, had made reservations at a local Japanese restaurant and dressed up a little for the occasion. This was the first time we had gone out on our own since we arrived on Australian soil 9 months ago. We were stoked.
some cake and cappuccino at Greens & Co.
pleasantly full and ready to walk home
We had a lovely stroll to the restaurant - Ha Lu. We were introduced to this restaurant by Barb, my painting partner, and her husband Lee recently. It was one of the best meals Tom and I had ever had so we thought why not do it again? We revisited some of our favourite dishes: Duck and Aubergine Madiera Sauce, Wagyu Beef "Ishi-yaki" grill with fried onion, and their sashimi of the day. Click on Ha-Lu above and you can see all the other moan-inducing delights they create. After we were sated and our moaning had tapered off, we walked down to Leederville, another funky neighbourhood not far off, and enjoyed a piece of strawberry pavlova and chocolate halva cake with cappuccino and chai tea at the Greens & Co. Cafe. After realxing a bit and watching the night-life humming around us, we started walking home. We got within a couple blocks of the house and the skies opened up and we were soon drenched as a tropical rain storm settled in. We ran through the puddles laughing slipping around back and into the house.

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