Friday, July 1, 2011

Yanchep National Park - June 18th

Bougainvillea Mountain
'roos playing footy
Purple Gallinule
Rein's injury from a stalactite attack
Silka and Meghan feeling a 'roo pelt
learning about the Aboriginal experience
playing the Didgeridoo
making fire
We met up with some of the other exchange families in Yanchep National Park (45 minutes north of Perth). It rained on and off during the day but enjoyed ourselves nontheless. When we arrived, we met up with everyone at the Crystal Cave where we went below and walked through passages lined with stalactites and stalagmites. Rein was attacked by a stalactite (he jumped up and whacked his head on one). With the sight of a fair amount of blood and kids surrounding him saying "Ew! Look at that!", he turned white and almost fainted - Tom and I carried him out. He soon recovered after sitting down in the car for a bit. It wasn't long before everyone else emerged and we headed back to the picnic area to have lunch.
The kids played some footy after for a while.
We were off to another part of the park to learn

about Australia's Aborigines at the Aboriginal Experience". It was great! We learned about many of their customs, how they used some of their tools, how to make fire, how to throw a spear and were delighted with our teacher's impress-ive ability with a Didgeri-doo. He let some of the men in the group try (women do not play the Didgeridoo, they only make them). We were entertained with a range of flatulent sounds. We ended our day with a visit with the park's Koalas. As usual, they just slept for the most part with a few stretches once in a while. We did catch one that was relatively active and eating some Eucalyptus. It must have woken up hungry from a very long nap.


trying out the Didgeridoo

"Yorga Mia" - women's place

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