Monday, July 4, 2011

New Sport for Silka....

You know how the younger sibling always wants to do what the older sibling does? Well, Rein had his buddy, Felix, over on the weekend and before we knew it they had found some boxing gloves (well one set - the other used gardening gloves ) and a couple of helmets and they were boxing in the back yard. At first,we thought we should put an immediate end to their shenanigans but we were impressed that they took the time to find appropriate protection (including taking their shoes off) and they were having fun - actually giggling their way through it. We decided to leave them alone. Little did we know that Silka, who watched them the whole time, went away with a strong desire to partake in such sport herself.
On Monday, she had Ayodhya (a Sri-Lankan boy from her class) over for a play after school. Little did he know what he was in for. Silka soon had him suited up with boxing gloves and a helmet and was about to give him a wallop with her garden-gloved hand when Tom decided to intervene. He hung up a punching bag that the Tippings left behind for us and recommended that they have a go at that instead. It proved to be at least a half hour's worth of entertainment.
Maybe I should have a go at it the next time I step in a glob of toothpaste that one of the kids leaves on the floor or Tom leaves toast crumbs on the counter.....
The kids might be onto something...

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