Friday, July 1, 2011

Aunt Tacos came for a visit...

'roos at Pinnaroo
Cuttle Fish at the Aquarium - my favourite
Museum at Houghton Estates
Aunt Cathy, Honey House
Representing the entire Spennato Clan, Aunt Cathy (Tacos) arrived in Perth on June 8th. She left her husband, Garry, family and friends behind to take a tour of the southern hemisphere on the other side of the world. Having a niece living in Australia for a year does make

the trip much easier and more worthwhile of course. She had spent more than a week touring around the south island of New Zealand before she arrived on Western Australia soil (or sand, I should say). She rested up for the first day or so and after feeling rejuvenated and energized enough to continue her explorations, we took her to various places around Perth over the next week. While Tom and the kids were at school, I shared the Pinnaroo Kangaroo experience that was introduced to us earlier on by the Professor, Stephen Satchell. We also went to the Aquarium at Hilary's Boat Harbour after we enjoyed light lunch there. Some other places we managed to get to were the Western Australia Museum, the State Library, King's Park and a tour through Swan Valley. While we were in Swan Valley, we took her to the Houghton Estate Winery, the Honey House, a couple of other wineries I cannot remember and we ended at the Feral Brewery where we had a late lunch. On our way back home, we stopped at the Margaret River Chocolate Company for the kids (and maybe some of us adults as well).
tasting some honey
busy bees at House of Honey
Tom and Tacos tasting

 Before we knew it, she was off to Australia's East Coast for 9 days. And before we knew it she was back with us for a couple more. This time she just rested up, caught up on some emails and did some laundry for her next adventure - China for 12 days - before heading back home. We enjoyed her visit very much and we are thoroughly impressed with her adventurous spirit. We look forward to getting the low-down on her cruise on the Yangtzee River. Happy and safe travels, Aunt Taco!

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