Friday, July 1, 2011

Viva Las Vegas! - Rein's Year 3 Assembly, June 29th

welcoming the parents
recorder performance
 Rein and his class had a year 3 assembly this past Wednesday. Well, he was just as good as Silka was with keeping his class performance on the hush hush. We knew that his class was going to be performing Elvis's "Viva Las Vegas" but that was all he would reveal. Well, I and the other parents were very entertained. I spent a few nights making Rein his Cowboy attire including guns (the teacher gave them the kibosh) and a holster out of duct tape and cardboard.
year 3 cowboys and cowgirls
First, up on the podium, Rein and a few other class mates welcomed all of the parents to the year 3 assembly. Then merit awards were presented to some students and then the entertainment began. They started with 'Viva Las Vegas', followed by '5,6,7,8' and then they wrapped up with a song that they played with the recorder. Here are a couple of videos and some pics- don't worry, you will not be subjected to the recorder performance - although, it wasn't too bad...
Way to go, Rein!



1 comment:

  1. Rein Looks like the funniest boy in the Viva Los Vegas hat. Hope you put more funny pictures of Rein. Tell Rein Lana said "See you at class!" From Lana
