Thursday, November 17, 2011

Silka's School Assembly

Silka's Pre-Primary class and the Kindy class hosted the seniors assembly. It was dedicated to all the children's grandparents. Silka, once again, was pretty hush-hush about what she and her class were going to perform. She would only practice when she had to go to the toilet. I think she liked the acoustics in there. Anyways, Silka and we wish that all her grandparents could have been there. I caught a bit on video - sorry about the resolution. I am still trying to figure out our video camera... Each child in her class had to say a bit at the podium - their first try at speaking in front of a crowd. Silka is wearing the yellow hat with flowers on it - left side at the top. They also sang some songs, recited a poem and enjoyed tea with their parents and grandparents afterwards. It was lovely!

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