Thursday, November 3, 2011

October 27th - 30th: Camping Weekend - just Tom and the kids

Hamelin Bay
After a "harsh" Australian winter it was time to get reacquainted with the beach. We just can't get enough of the Margaret River coast and when a long week-end becomes available, I just have to get out of town. On our first morning, the kids and I breakfasted at the Margaret River Bakery, bought provisions for camping and headed down to Hamelin Bay, home of tame, big, stingrays. The kids pet a couple of stingrays, we snorkelled and soaked up some sun. Lovely!
On the second day, after a bowl or two of Fruit Loops, we headed out for a considerable coastal hike (10km +) from Contos Beach to Redgate Beach.
hangin' out at Hamelin Bay
On our last day, more beach. This time we opted for some bodysurfing at Redgate.
Our last stop before heading back to Perth was a lunch at Colonial Brewery. Fish and chips and beer, the great Australian drink...mmm.

Contos Campsite

Balancing Games

Contos Beach

tidal pool exploration

big rock walk

another amazing view...

During our hike - lunch stop

Lunch spot self-timer. We miss you mom!

Roasting S'mores

Redgate Beach

Gypsy children for sale: $6.00 each or the pair for $10.00

lunch at the Colonial Brewery

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