Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Hobart Street Halloween Party

carving pumpkins...
an evil vampire witch
Halloween is not a tradition here in Australia but it is starting to pop up here and there in a few neighbourhoods. The kids really wanted to do something for Halloween so we decided to put on a party.
Rein's jack 'o' lantern (left) and Silka's (right)

feasting at the park

Captain E. Ville Dewar and Surfer Dude

piñata # 1

piñata# 2
We sent out an invite to the kids in their classes and their siblings to join us in Hobart Street Park, our neighbourhood gathering place for a potluck Halloween party. We found some pumpkins you can actually carve - I was warned about Australia's pumpkins...I made two piñatas to keep the kids' satisfied on the candy (lolly) front. I dressed up as a ghost pirate, Captain E. Ville Dewar and Tom went as "Surfer Dude". Rein decided to adorn himself as a vampire and Silka, an eveil vampire witch. The kids played some games: zombie tag, capture the spider and a spider relay. Then, they made short work of freeing the piñatas of their confections. It was great fun!

Surfer dude helping determine the order of piñata whackers

young ones whackin' the piñata

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