Monday, November 21, 2011

Awesome 2011 International Arts Festival for Bright Young Things

"The Lunchbox Project" at the State Library
Silka's lunchbox
Rein's lunchbox
lunchbox wall
 After breakfast last Saturday, we started talking about what we would like to do that day. Tom suggested that we drive up to the north end of Perth and go for a hike along the beach with a picnic lunch. Well, Rein, Silka and I looked at him with very little enthusiasm for such an activity. The kids wanted to stay closer to home and I was craving a bit of a more urban experience. I hopped onto the internet to see what was happening in Perth and I came across the "Awesome 2011 International Arts Festival for Bright Young Minds" ( The kids and I decided this was more up our alley... Tom headed off up north to the beach and we packed a picnic lunch, got on our bikes and started riding towards downtown. We had a great day. We started off by stopping at the Perth Cultural Centre in Northbridge where we checked out "The Lunch Box Project" ( The kids sat down and wrote about their lunchboxes or more like what they wish their lunch boxes looked like and what magic they could do. They take all the stories and place them in a lunch box at the site and then post them on the website later. You can go in and add your story - good or bad! It was fun. We then sat by the Perth Art Gallery and ate our picnic lunch. We then headed off to the Murray Street Mall in downtown Perth where they had other activities going on. We had a great time in the "Sticky Maze" sticking newspaper to walls of packing tape. At one point one of the "guides" with big noses announced to Rein and Silka that this was the way out while pointing in a certain direction. They went that way only to find themselves at a dead end where the "guide" proceeded to tape them in and then throw newspaper strips on top of them.
Silka adding newspaper to the Sticky Maze
Master of the Sticky Maze
They also had a tent where the kids could make their own books and have them "published". They would make a copy of it and place it in the book rack for others to enjoy and then the kids would get a copy to take home. Silka made a book of Sparkle Art - Rein wasn't so interested. We went and checked out "Re)stretch" - a huge harp made out of fine shearing elastic under tension that stretched from wall to wall. You can walk into it and it will make different sounds. We then ate some gelato and then went to see "Sticks, Stones, Broken Bones" - a shadow puppet show put on by Mr. Bunk, a Montreal Canadian. It was fantastic and the kids just loved it. If he ever comes your way, you have to check it out.
This Thursday night we are going to take a picnic to the Perth Cultural Centre and watch Mia and the Migoo on the outdoor screen.
Rein taped into the maze wall

one of the "guides"...

"Sticks, Stones, Broken Bones" Shadow Puppet Show

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Silka's School Assembly

Silka's Pre-Primary class and the Kindy class hosted the seniors assembly. It was dedicated to all the children's grandparents. Silka, once again, was pretty hush-hush about what she and her class were going to perform. She would only practice when she had to go to the toilet. I think she liked the acoustics in there. Anyways, Silka and we wish that all her grandparents could have been there. I caught a bit on video - sorry about the resolution. I am still trying to figure out our video camera... Each child in her class had to say a bit at the podium - their first try at speaking in front of a crowd. Silka is wearing the yellow hat with flowers on it - left side at the top. They also sang some songs, recited a poem and enjoyed tea with their parents and grandparents afterwards. It was lovely!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

October 27th - 30th: Camping Weekend - just Tom and the kids

Hamelin Bay
After a "harsh" Australian winter it was time to get reacquainted with the beach. We just can't get enough of the Margaret River coast and when a long week-end becomes available, I just have to get out of town. On our first morning, the kids and I breakfasted at the Margaret River Bakery, bought provisions for camping and headed down to Hamelin Bay, home of tame, big, stingrays. The kids pet a couple of stingrays, we snorkelled and soaked up some sun. Lovely!
On the second day, after a bowl or two of Fruit Loops, we headed out for a considerable coastal hike (10km +) from Contos Beach to Redgate Beach.
hangin' out at Hamelin Bay
On our last day, more beach. This time we opted for some bodysurfing at Redgate.
Our last stop before heading back to Perth was a lunch at Colonial Brewery. Fish and chips and beer, the great Australian drink...mmm.

Contos Campsite

Balancing Games

Contos Beach

tidal pool exploration

big rock walk

another amazing view...

During our hike - lunch stop

Lunch spot self-timer. We miss you mom!

Roasting S'mores

Redgate Beach

Gypsy children for sale: $6.00 each or the pair for $10.00

lunch at the Colonial Brewery

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

An Australian Cultural Experience: My First Melbourne Cup

look at that fascinator!
Juanita and Jolly
enjoying our lunch at "The Brewery" on the Swan River
Shirley and Cindee
Kaylene, Michelle and Karen
Cindee with her "Best Hat" prize hamper
Cool Race Guy

The Melbourne Cup is BIG here in Australia! My exchange partner, Angela Falco, and a bunch of her good friends dress up, pin on their fascinators and head off to a fancy "Melbourne Cup" luncheon every year on the first Tuesday of November. Well, I felt extremely privileged to be invited to be a part of this annual celebration. When I got an email from Kaylene mentioning "our fascinators", I was, of course, clueless. But walking by a few shops sporting these "fascinators" quickly solved that mystery. Kaylene's husband drove Kaylene, Debbie, Michelle and I to The Brewery, a beautiful restaurant on the Swan River. Thank you,Michael! We were soon joined by the rest of our gang, Juanita, Jolly, Cindee, Shirley, Karen and Matilda. Everyone looked fantastic! We were soon enjoying champagne and cocktails on the patio. The luncheon was great - a set menu of delicious food. Noon came quickly and THE race was about to happen. I put down $10 - my horse was #12 - Red Cadeaux. Not a favourite but the girls told me it could be any horse's race. Well, I was shocked and thrilled to see my horse cross the finish line in, what was determined a short time later, second place. Dunnedin came in a nostril hair ahead of him. My winnings amounted to $80!! Plenty to throw in the pot for a few more drinks for everyone. We then headed off to the "5" on Beafort Street where we met up with Juanita's husband who bought us some more champagne. Oh boy... I ended up back at home by 5 p.m. floating on champagne bubbles. I wasn't much help for Tom that night but I had an absolutely wonderful time - thanks Kaylene for organizing it all. The rumour is Angela is going to be planning next year's Melbourne Cup celebration and that there is talk of going to Melbourne? - too far for me I am afraid. I will have to find out what race is big in Canada and continue the tradition there..... Cheers!
The Melbourne Cup Ladies: Debbie, Shirley, Karen, Matilda, Michelle, Juanita, Kaylene, Cindee, Jolly and Moi

*I apologize f I have mis-spelled any names.

Hobart Street Halloween Party

carving pumpkins...
an evil vampire witch
Halloween is not a tradition here in Australia but it is starting to pop up here and there in a few neighbourhoods. The kids really wanted to do something for Halloween so we decided to put on a party.
Rein's jack 'o' lantern (left) and Silka's (right)

feasting at the park

Captain E. Ville Dewar and Surfer Dude

piñata # 1

piñata# 2
We sent out an invite to the kids in their classes and their siblings to join us in Hobart Street Park, our neighbourhood gathering place for a potluck Halloween party. We found some pumpkins you can actually carve - I was warned about Australia's pumpkins...I made two piñatas to keep the kids' satisfied on the candy (lolly) front. I dressed up as a ghost pirate, Captain E. Ville Dewar and Tom went as "Surfer Dude". Rein decided to adorn himself as a vampire and Silka, an eveil vampire witch. The kids played some games: zombie tag, capture the spider and a spider relay. Then, they made short work of freeing the piñatas of their confections. It was great fun!

Surfer dude helping determine the order of piñata whackers

young ones whackin' the piñata