Thursday, May 19, 2011

We went to the zoo, zoo, zoo....

"What's so fascinatin'?"

Fairy Penguin
What are these creatures?
On Mother's Day, I decided I wanted to visit the Perth Zoo. They were letting moms in for free, so, I couldn't pass it up. After I went for a run, the kids and Tom made a round of smoothies and I made pancakes, we got on our way. When we arrived, there was a fairly long line but it moved quickly. We were past the gates in no time at all and poured over the zoo's map. We were soon hiking along the 'Outback Walk' to meet some of Australia's wildlife. We spent 5 hours there - we saw a saltwater crocodile (yikes!), meerkats, tortoises, sun bears, tigers, leopards, painted African dogs, elephants, rhinos, giraffes, orangutans, snakes being fed mice (cool!), and so many other fine creatures that I cannot name right now. A baby Gibbon (monkey) swung down from its branch and into its mother's arms and they cuddled for a bit - there was collective "aahh" from us mommy on-lookers and our families.
Hang on......
After our zoo adventure, we got an ice cream, picked our bathers and were off to the beach. Tom made dinner that night. It was the perfect mother's day. 

"Another bloody leaf...."

How about some fruit salad?
"Hey, it's my turn to take a bath"..."No, it's my turn!"

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