Thursday, May 19, 2011

Such a Wonderful Mother's Day surprise!

the moms waiting outside
moms waiting for the performance
Well it was definitely worth the wait. There was much preparation by Silka - I was allowed a few sneak peeks and I was given a lovely invitation to a "special event" for all the pre-primary moms.
morning tea
We showed up this morning and were asked to wait outside until all of the children and their moms arrived. We were then
invited in one by one - Silka ushered me in and held my hand as her teacher, Mrs. Ognenis, pinned on a carnation that Silka had made for me. She then seated me at one of the tables with a vase of fresh cut flowers and a plate of biscuits. Once we were all seated, Mrs. Ognenis thanked all of us for coming and asked the children to stand to start their first surprise performance. We wonderfully entertained with poems and songs that they had been practicing every day for the last few weeks We laughed, we cried.....

Then we were each presented with a wonderful about-my-mom book that each of them made for their mothers. The children then served us lemonade scones they had made the previous day with jam and a dollop of cream on top, and a cup of tea. After our morning tea we sat with our child for a picture, were given a hug and kiss and were sent on our way. I enjoyed the morning immensely!

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