Saturday, May 28, 2011

The painting continues...

G.W. Shark
 Well I have had to scramble to find some dinner a few nights, laundry has piled up more than once and dusting has been completely abandoned as I paint my days away. Tom hasn't complained yet but he very rarely does. He has never seen me caught up in a creative spin like this and he is happy to see me happy immersing myself.

Painting in the Moment:Dressmaker Dummies
Painting in the Moment: Leaves
I am taking two courses at the Fremantle
Art Centre right now. The same one that I took last term, Abstract Expressionism, and a new one, Painting in the Moment. Here are my latest- I am sorry that the photos aren't better. They really don't capture the true colours or the detail.  The first week of Painting in the Moment, we painted leaves that Joss, our teacher, threw up in the air. The second and third week we painted our interpretation of a couple of dressmaker dummies that she set up in the room.
G.W. Shark I saved for my Abstract Expressionism class. I thought that I couldn't leave Australia without painting the iconic great white shark. I'm hooked. What will be next? Maybe a series of the great white - "Portraits of G.W. Shark. OR other marine themes.....
The possibilities are endless and I am having so much fun!

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