Saturday, March 3, 2012

Storrington Stingers win the Novice A Championship

Storrington Stingers: Rein playing defense (black & white jersey)
 Well, it was a nail biter - they tied 2-2 and they won in the second 5 minute overtime!
I don't have much of a voice left. It has been rather shocking - I never knew I had a hockey mom hidden inside me. As I yelled" Go, Rein, hustle! Hustle!" and saw Tom laughing next to me, I knew I had been sucked in.
the Championship win! (Rein front left)
Rein has really taken to the sport since he got back from Australia and has even requested to play in Spring Hockey.
What is a mother to do?? Get a really good bum warmer and some throat lozenges, I guess....

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