Friday, February 24, 2012

Family Day weekend spent with friends

Friday night game of Settlers of Catan with Mike and Paula
Tom and Mike's Saturday morning skate marathon
 This year's Family Day weekend was spent with friends we haven't seen for about a year and a half. Mike, Paula and their boys, Sam and Ezra, came up from the Hammer on Friday night, and Tanya, Andrew and their girls, Sierra and Ella, came down from the Gatineau on Sunday morning. It was a fantastic weekend. After a week of warmer, wet weather we were graced with a colder night on Friday night which carried through until Monday. This created fantastic skating conditions for the entire weekend - phew! As soon as Mike and Paula arrived, it felt like we were never gone for a year - the same with Tanya

and Andrew. Time and distance only makes you appreciate such friendships. We skated our hearts out all weekend - up the lake, down the lake, across the lake around the lake. There were also daily shinny games that got the hearts racing and the blood pumping - it was so much fun! Mike brought up his kite to try it on the lake but there wasn't enough wind - next time! We had great meals, played Settlers of Catan, enjoyed the sauna and dipped into the cold lake. We look forward to a repeat again soon.

skike? through the woods

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a stop at the icicle store

Silka towing sleeping Ezra

the skate sled team

testing out an ice fisherman's ATV 


another skate up the lake...

skate, skate, skate...

a beautiful, sunny day

Shinny game # 2

Saturday night at the Olvet Cabin
Are you just going to lie there? Up stick, Up!!

Silka and Ezra

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant. Was great to see Sarah, too!
    Thank you for not mentioning the naked truth about learning the rude-aments of Aussie Rules Football.
    LOVE the sauna.
