Friday, December 16, 2011

Saying our Goodbyes...

Silka and Bridgy
Felix, Rein, Nick, and Joe
We have had such a fantastic year in Western Australia. The community here has been so welcoming and supportive which made our transition into life here so easy. We loved the kids school and our neighbourhood and we will miss them and the folks that were a part of them very much. The last day of school I went to the school's park for a last play and to say our goodbyes. We hope that opportunities down the road will allow us to hook up with some of you again whether it is in Canada, Australia or other parts of the world.  
Until next time...

Alex, Silka and Ayodya

Adithya and Rein

Suzanne, Ann, Isabelle and Laura

Lia, Nicole and Jan

Sally and Lucy

Thushari and me

Emily, me, and Sylvia

Silka and Anton

Isaac, Felix and Rein

November 28th - December 5th: A Visit with Papa and Gramma G.

Papa and Silka playing back yard cricket

Our last visitors to Australia - Papa and Gramma G. - arrived a day after the art exhibit. The kids and I drove to the airport to pick them up and we were so excited to see them walk through the arrivals door. We made the best of the time we had with them - took them to see the kangaroos at Whiteman Park, Hillary's Boat Harbour, King's Park, a drive along the Perth Coast and then we headed off to Eagle Bay where we stayed for a long weekend wine-tasting, and swimming at various beaches down south. Before we know it we were driving them back to the airport. We had so much fun!

Papa, Leslie and Rein at Eagle Bay
at our cabin at Eagle Bay
last breakfast at our favourite spot - Margaret River Bakery

Silka roughin' papa up at footy

Papa pickin' up an "Old Fart" bag at the lolly shop
and a little bit of wine tasting at Xanadu
a little more at Stella Bella...
a wee bit more at Knee Deep...
another stop at Leeuwin...
checkin' out the cockpit of a helicopter that landed at Leeuwin
swimming at Hamelin Bay
final swim on trip - Smith's Beach
Smith's Beach
Lunch at Larmon's to celebrate Papa's upcoming 70th birthday
Look at that handsome devil - can you believe he's turning 70?

Monday, December 5, 2011

November 27th: (Let's) Arty Party Art Exhibition

a 3 panel piece I finished before the exhibit: Ocean Offerings
enjoying some refreshments and art....
 Well, party we did! It was a bit of a mad scramble at the beginning of the exhibit - Barb and I were still finishing up appetizers and hanging the last of the paintings when the first people arrived. Our exhibit ran from noon until 5 p.m. on Sunday and we had a steady flow of traffic from start to finish. The refreshments and laughter were flowing and the compliments abounded. Barb and I had a fantastic year together and it was wonderful to share it with our community. We decided to donate 25% of the proceeds to art supplies for our kids' school here in Australia. I sold all of my pieces except for one - A Portrait of G.W. Shark - which I knew would probably not sell in light of the four fatal shark attacks off local beaches this year. I took it off the stretcher bars, rolled it up and sent it home with my Dad for his 70th birthday. Barb also had a very successful day which has translated in a donation between the two of us of $1000 to the school. With each piece sold, I realized that a part of me will be staying behind which has made this year's experience that much sweeter.
pieces hung on the brick wall of next door's construction site
To summarize what the year has meant to us I share an excerpt from the bio sheet that we posted at the exhibition:

We have asked you to come celebrate this year of painting with us not only to share in what we have created on canvas but also what has been born from these creations - a life-long friendship. We have learned so much from each other, not only about painting but also what hours of creating with another can create inside ourselves. Through the sharing of ideas and past experiences over many cups of tea and pots of paint we have rejoiced in rediscovering all the wonder we have experienced in our antipodal lives. We will enjoy future artistic explorations together through correspondence – not just letters or emails but artistic collaborations over the seas, land and air that connect us. Thank you for coming.  

I would also like to say a special thanks to all those that helped us make this exhibition happen:

Kyilla Primary School for providing the art easels
Megan for sending out emails and posting our event in the school newsletter
Laura for helping us hang paintings during the last minute scramble - thank goodness for tall friends!
Mike and Diana for also helping hang paintings
Xanthe and Lexi (Barb's daughters) for helping out in the kitchen and entertaining the younger kids
Lee Buddle for providing chairs for the event
Shari for providing punch bowls for all those delicious "refreshments"
and the rest of our friends and families for providing support throughout the year so we could enjoy this journey

Monday, November 21, 2011

Awesome 2011 International Arts Festival for Bright Young Things

"The Lunchbox Project" at the State Library
Silka's lunchbox
Rein's lunchbox
lunchbox wall
 After breakfast last Saturday, we started talking about what we would like to do that day. Tom suggested that we drive up to the north end of Perth and go for a hike along the beach with a picnic lunch. Well, Rein, Silka and I looked at him with very little enthusiasm for such an activity. The kids wanted to stay closer to home and I was craving a bit of a more urban experience. I hopped onto the internet to see what was happening in Perth and I came across the "Awesome 2011 International Arts Festival for Bright Young Minds" ( The kids and I decided this was more up our alley... Tom headed off up north to the beach and we packed a picnic lunch, got on our bikes and started riding towards downtown. We had a great day. We started off by stopping at the Perth Cultural Centre in Northbridge where we checked out "The Lunch Box Project" ( The kids sat down and wrote about their lunchboxes or more like what they wish their lunch boxes looked like and what magic they could do. They take all the stories and place them in a lunch box at the site and then post them on the website later. You can go in and add your story - good or bad! It was fun. We then sat by the Perth Art Gallery and ate our picnic lunch. We then headed off to the Murray Street Mall in downtown Perth where they had other activities going on. We had a great time in the "Sticky Maze" sticking newspaper to walls of packing tape. At one point one of the "guides" with big noses announced to Rein and Silka that this was the way out while pointing in a certain direction. They went that way only to find themselves at a dead end where the "guide" proceeded to tape them in and then throw newspaper strips on top of them.
Silka adding newspaper to the Sticky Maze
Master of the Sticky Maze
They also had a tent where the kids could make their own books and have them "published". They would make a copy of it and place it in the book rack for others to enjoy and then the kids would get a copy to take home. Silka made a book of Sparkle Art - Rein wasn't so interested. We went and checked out "Re)stretch" - a huge harp made out of fine shearing elastic under tension that stretched from wall to wall. You can walk into it and it will make different sounds. We then ate some gelato and then went to see "Sticks, Stones, Broken Bones" - a shadow puppet show put on by Mr. Bunk, a Montreal Canadian. It was fantastic and the kids just loved it. If he ever comes your way, you have to check it out.
This Thursday night we are going to take a picnic to the Perth Cultural Centre and watch Mia and the Migoo on the outdoor screen.
Rein taped into the maze wall

one of the "guides"...

"Sticks, Stones, Broken Bones" Shadow Puppet Show

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Silka's School Assembly

Silka's Pre-Primary class and the Kindy class hosted the seniors assembly. It was dedicated to all the children's grandparents. Silka, once again, was pretty hush-hush about what she and her class were going to perform. She would only practice when she had to go to the toilet. I think she liked the acoustics in there. Anyways, Silka and we wish that all her grandparents could have been there. I caught a bit on video - sorry about the resolution. I am still trying to figure out our video camera... Each child in her class had to say a bit at the podium - their first try at speaking in front of a crowd. Silka is wearing the yellow hat with flowers on it - left side at the top. They also sang some songs, recited a poem and enjoyed tea with their parents and grandparents afterwards. It was lovely!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

October 27th - 30th: Camping Weekend - just Tom and the kids

Hamelin Bay
After a "harsh" Australian winter it was time to get reacquainted with the beach. We just can't get enough of the Margaret River coast and when a long week-end becomes available, I just have to get out of town. On our first morning, the kids and I breakfasted at the Margaret River Bakery, bought provisions for camping and headed down to Hamelin Bay, home of tame, big, stingrays. The kids pet a couple of stingrays, we snorkelled and soaked up some sun. Lovely!
On the second day, after a bowl or two of Fruit Loops, we headed out for a considerable coastal hike (10km +) from Contos Beach to Redgate Beach.
hangin' out at Hamelin Bay
On our last day, more beach. This time we opted for some bodysurfing at Redgate.
Our last stop before heading back to Perth was a lunch at Colonial Brewery. Fish and chips and beer, the great Australian drink...mmm.

Contos Campsite

Balancing Games

Contos Beach

tidal pool exploration

big rock walk

another amazing view...

During our hike - lunch stop

Lunch spot self-timer. We miss you mom!

Roasting S'mores

Redgate Beach

Gypsy children for sale: $6.00 each or the pair for $10.00

lunch at the Colonial Brewery