Thursday, January 31, 2008

Rein's First Report Card - Strengths, Weaknesses, and Next Steps

Rein came home with his first report card on January 30th. Here are some of the highlights:

"Rein has settled in nicely to the kindergarten programme. He has adjusted well to the school situation and is familiar with our classroom routines and expectations. He readily chooses playmates and centres at activity time and enjoys good relationships with his peers. Rein enjoys the sharing circle and communicates with with his peers during this time. ...sometimes needs encouragement to remain focused and on task."

"Rein communicates his needs effectively by listening and speaking. He follows simple directions and responds appropriately to questions posed by both adults and peers. ...will sometimes volunteer to answer questions and participate in shared reading experiences. Rein's early literacy skills are developing and he is able to identify some upper and lower case letters...starting to develop an understanding of letter sounds. ...showing an interest in reading and enjoys reading with a friend during quiet reading to print his name using both upper and lowercase letters correctly. ...gaining confidence using writing instruments...." (looks like he is going to be left-handed)

"Rein's understanding of beginning math concepts is developing. ...not always focused during our group math lessons and is being encouraged to participate...He recognizes some numbers to 10 and can count to 14....beginning to print numerals using a model guide. ...He enjoyed our various sorting activities, sorting objects by shape or colour with a partner. He is aware of patterns and is learing to extend a simple pattern as well as create a new pattern."

"Rein participates in our science discussions...and is willing to explore and experiment....We enjoyed Rein's presentation of his toy robot built with recycled materials."

"Rein readily participates in various art activities. His drawings and painting are improving with practise....enjoys music and movement activities and sings along to familiar songs and chants. Good work Rein!"

1 comment:

  1. Kallis Rein,

    Vanaema is very proud of your work in kindergarten.
    Keep up the good work.
    Kalli, Vanaema
