Saturday, January 19, 2008

"Favourites" Interview with Rein

This morning I interviewed Rein about some of his favourite things. Here is what he had to say: Favourite Time of Day: "When I am up in the morning because it is light." Favourite song: "Butterfingers" Favourite Smells: "Cookie smell, muffin smell, gingerbread smell, candy smell "(do you sense a pattern?), and "tree smells." Favourite snack: "Juby-jubies" Favourite zoo animals: "Lion - they roar and climb walls and scratch and go like this - ROAR!" Favourite tiny things: "Mouse because they are cute" (we won't tell them what the traps are for...) Favourite toys that are not toys: our whippersnipper and chainsaw (he doesn't really play with them - just desperately wants to) Favourite storybook characters: "Spiderman. No, I mean Batman....and superman and spiderman. Yah." Favourite word right now: never (not ours, however) Favourite pieces of clothing: "Underwear because there are pictures on them like superheros.....oh, and jeans" (not baggy ones) Favourite kind of kisses: "Smoochy ones" Favourite way to act crazy: "Do this...AHHH, AHHH, RAHH, NIEHH," etc. with arms and legs flailing Other questions I asked him.... What does it feel like when you walk barefoot in the grass? on sand? in water? in mud? "Fuzzy fur", squishy, wet, squishy" What is the most delicious food in the world? "Candy" Why do you think it is so delicious? "It makes me want to twirl!" What does love mean to you? "It makes me feel good" What do you want to be when you grow up? "A mailman so I can give people valentine cards" What are some things you like? "presents, movies, playing games" What are some things you don't like? "a toilet,....playing by myself"

1 comment:

  1. I finally managed to read your blog - from start to finish - & enjoyed it immensely. Besides being informative, it's lovely to behold. Where do you find the time? Love to all of you, Aunt Tacos
