Thursday, January 31, 2008

Rein's First Report Card - Strengths, Weaknesses, and Next Steps

Rein came home with his first report card on January 30th. Here are some of the highlights:

"Rein has settled in nicely to the kindergarten programme. He has adjusted well to the school situation and is familiar with our classroom routines and expectations. He readily chooses playmates and centres at activity time and enjoys good relationships with his peers. Rein enjoys the sharing circle and communicates with with his peers during this time. ...sometimes needs encouragement to remain focused and on task."

"Rein communicates his needs effectively by listening and speaking. He follows simple directions and responds appropriately to questions posed by both adults and peers. ...will sometimes volunteer to answer questions and participate in shared reading experiences. Rein's early literacy skills are developing and he is able to identify some upper and lower case letters...starting to develop an understanding of letter sounds. ...showing an interest in reading and enjoys reading with a friend during quiet reading to print his name using both upper and lowercase letters correctly. ...gaining confidence using writing instruments...." (looks like he is going to be left-handed)

"Rein's understanding of beginning math concepts is developing. ...not always focused during our group math lessons and is being encouraged to participate...He recognizes some numbers to 10 and can count to 14....beginning to print numerals using a model guide. ...He enjoyed our various sorting activities, sorting objects by shape or colour with a partner. He is aware of patterns and is learing to extend a simple pattern as well as create a new pattern."

"Rein participates in our science discussions...and is willing to explore and experiment....We enjoyed Rein's presentation of his toy robot built with recycled materials."

"Rein readily participates in various art activities. His drawings and painting are improving with practise....enjoys music and movement activities and sings along to familiar songs and chants. Good work Rein!"

Playing Shinny on Buck Lake

Here's Tom, Rein, and Silka playing Shinny. Rein's control of the puck is improving. Tom and Rein played for 2 hours straight one day.

Silka kicks her feet with excitiment when Tom makes a fancy move on the ice.

We had a great family Shinny game last weekend - two on two. Rein and I came out ahead against Tom and Silka - it was a close game all the way through.

SilkaWear Goes Global....

SilkaWear's bonnets have taken their first trip offshore. We received an order for two bonnets from Queensland, Australia a week ago.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Happy 60th, Andy!

(DOB: January 29, 1948)

May you never get tennis elbow, may you continue to brave the great expanse of Lake Ontario, and continue to keep the younger Shinny players on their toes.

Much love from Buck Lake

Silka takes Little Bear and Coral for a walk...

Silka's new favourite toy is her stroller. She pushes her "babies" everywhere.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

"First Time" words for Silka today

"I lub ooo! (I love you, in case you weren't familiar with toddler-speak)

"Favourites" Interview with Rein

This morning I interviewed Rein about some of his favourite things. Here is what he had to say: Favourite Time of Day: "When I am up in the morning because it is light." Favourite song: "Butterfingers" Favourite Smells: "Cookie smell, muffin smell, gingerbread smell, candy smell "(do you sense a pattern?), and "tree smells." Favourite snack: "Juby-jubies" Favourite zoo animals: "Lion - they roar and climb walls and scratch and go like this - ROAR!" Favourite tiny things: "Mouse because they are cute" (we won't tell them what the traps are for...) Favourite toys that are not toys: our whippersnipper and chainsaw (he doesn't really play with them - just desperately wants to) Favourite storybook characters: "Spiderman. No, I mean Batman....and superman and spiderman. Yah." Favourite word right now: never (not ours, however) Favourite pieces of clothing: "Underwear because there are pictures on them like superheros.....oh, and jeans" (not baggy ones) Favourite kind of kisses: "Smoochy ones" Favourite way to act crazy: "Do this...AHHH, AHHH, RAHH, NIEHH," etc. with arms and legs flailing Other questions I asked him.... What does it feel like when you walk barefoot in the grass? on sand? in water? in mud? "Fuzzy fur", squishy, wet, squishy" What is the most delicious food in the world? "Candy" Why do you think it is so delicious? "It makes me want to twirl!" What does love mean to you? "It makes me feel good" What do you want to be when you grow up? "A mailman so I can give people valentine cards" What are some things you like? "presents, movies, playing games" What are some things you don't like? "a toilet,....playing by myself"