Friday, November 8, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013: At the Family Cottage, Chelsea, Quebec

The table is set...
Aunt Sally is working on the final additions to the feast...

The Spennato sisters, young and older...
Another Thanksgiving upon us and we headed up to my mom's family cottage to celebrate. Over the years, the tradition has been to gather with family and friends at this magical place. We eat, we laugh, we catch up with those we have not seen for a while. We all have a few more grey hairs and the youngest among us are no longer crawling around or bouncing in our laps. All we hear now are a screech or a giggle coming from Rein, Silka or Nicholas as the trio flash by a window, autumn leaves caught up in the draft they make as they go by.
My mom once again dazzled us all with the beautiful decorations that adorned the place. Silka has taken an interest in decorating as well and she followed gramma closely to learn what she could. We extended the decorating by weaving leaves in our hair.
Silka dressed for the occasion...
The food was delicious - we wouldn't expect less. After most left, Tom and I, the kids and Gramma Aida and Len slept our last night at the cottage for the season. We woke up the next day, helped gramma Aida and Len pack up and pull the boat and dock up on shore. Aunt Sally, Jessica and Nicholas showed up - Aunt Sally made pancakes for the whole gang. Pretty soon we were saying our goodbyes and were on our way. Until next spring...

and mom as well.

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