Monday, January 7, 2013

January 2nd, 2013: Steve and Theresa's Wedding in Mexico

Flower Girl Silka waiting for the bride
two out of five flower girls, Silka and Minsu Dodge

Silka and Theresa's niece, Karris
Theresa's sisters, Kathleen and Michelle

Theresa with her mom, Susan, and brother, Nick
the bride and groom

the kiss to seal the deal...
Theresa and Steven - now husband and wife

taking pictures on the beach - Steve picked up by his best man, Jay Dodge

the newly married couple walking down the beach

the first dance...
Rein says a few words to his uncle and new aunt

Rein with his new cousins, Abby and Andy

1 comment:

  1. Outstanding! Love it Thanks for the pics. Good luck to the newly weds.
