Monday, July 9, 2012

Uncle Steve's & Aunt Theresa's visit - July 2 to July 7th

Uncle Steven and Silka
 Well, another successful visit with Uncle Steven and Aunt Theresa. Sorry, we didn't get any pics of Aunt Theresa before she left for Calgary (she had to head back early for business). We made the best of our time together and Uncle Steve easily slid into his kid self and played with the kids all week. He left for the cottage to visit Grandma Aida and he was pretty much spent. Since he left, Rein has been planning his flight out to Vancouver on his own to visit Uncle Steve and Aunt Theresea. We were all sad to see them go. The next time we will see them is pobably in Mexico in January for their wedding!
Rein's first time waterskiing!

Silka catching fish

Steve looking his debonaire self

playing on the trampoline

Rein trying to beat Uncle Steven at chess

some morning dancing with Uncle Steve

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