Monday, September 10, 2012

16 Day Canoe Trip in La Verendrye, Quebec - August 10 - 26, 2012

Day 1: underwater revealed...

Day 1: A young Tom

Day 2: Started to clear up after a couple days of rain

Day 2: A double rainbow!
Day 3: Our one campsite beside rapids. We enjoyed one of our favourite activities - swimming out  into the rapids, floating down and riding the eddy back. Fun!

Day 4: Reservoir Dozois 50 years after being flooded

Day 4: Rein, Silka and I collected driftwood and rocks on the beach and created a sculpture. Here it is captured as the sun was going down. 

Day 5: Rest Day on our own island on Reservoir Dozois. Tom is perusing the maps and figuring out where were are going next

Day 5: Rest day continued... Rein fishes as Silka creates...
Day 6: Out of the morning fog

Day 6: A silver fog

Day 6: Making ripples in the glass

Day 7: Rein became our fire starter this trip

Day 7: Preparing for dinner

Day 7: Ah, the beaches...still on Resorvoir Dozois

Day 7: The same beach...

Day 7: A child's play become so simple - down to drawing in the sand

Day 9: The skies took our breath away this trip
Day 10: Shawn and Julia arrive - Day 10 - Yippee!

Day 10: Getting ready to go fishing

Day 11: Ahhh....

Day 11: Paddling in Shawn and Julia's beautiful cedar strip canoe...

Day 11: Rein helping Tom drag the canoe through some rapids

Day 11: Tom taking a rest...

Day 11: Set up at a fantastic campsite with a sand spit that extended to an island. Bear tracks going to the island - when will it make its way back?

Day 11: Julia taking a rest...

Day 12: the group shot before a day of paddling and dragging through a creek

Day 12: Rein saves a dragonfly from drowning
Day 12: Silka rock hops to the canoe

Day 12: Walking the canoe through one of many shallow sections

Day 13: Shawn and Julia take a rest day and we move on. Here are Rein and Silka portaging together.

Day 13: Portaging with Dad
Day 13: a sky's reflection
Day 13: Who is that bespectacled with a speckled frog?
Day 13: One of many spectacular sunsets

Day 14: the Kirby-Olvet family was here...

Day 14: Rein catches a Walleye - one of the many fish we did not end up eating - don't ask....

Day 14: Silka plays against a back drop of spectacular light

Day 15: Woke up to the sun's rays extending through the trees and onto the forest floor around us
Day 15: Look at that Fly Agaric - it was the size of a plate!
Day 15: Our last sunset on trip
Day 16: Rein and Silka successfully paddling on their own...
...with Dad walking alongside them
Day 16: Sailing the last stretch back to our car

Monday, July 9, 2012

Uncle Steve's & Aunt Theresa's visit - July 2 to July 7th

Uncle Steven and Silka
 Well, another successful visit with Uncle Steven and Aunt Theresa. Sorry, we didn't get any pics of Aunt Theresa before she left for Calgary (she had to head back early for business). We made the best of our time together and Uncle Steve easily slid into his kid self and played with the kids all week. He left for the cottage to visit Grandma Aida and he was pretty much spent. Since he left, Rein has been planning his flight out to Vancouver on his own to visit Uncle Steve and Aunt Theresea. We were all sad to see them go. The next time we will see them is pobably in Mexico in January for their wedding!
Rein's first time waterskiing!

Silka catching fish

Steve looking his debonaire self

playing on the trampoline

Rein trying to beat Uncle Steven at chess

some morning dancing with Uncle Steve