Thursday, August 18, 2011

Rein and Silka - a rare moment...

If you have any siblings, we all remember a time when we were kids when it seemed that there was constant rivalry. Or maybe you were a wonder child and you never fought with your siblings or gave your parents a hard time - yah well, I definitely wasn't that child. Apparently, when my mom came to the door back from the hospital with my brother, Steven, I was not impressed. I turned my nose up into the air and walked back into the house. My brother was one of those sweet children who adored his big sister but at about age twelve he finally figured me out. Mom nearly had a heart attack during our adolescence to our late teens when it was payback time - Steve was finally able to get back at me for all those times I walked by his playpen and wouldn't accept his toy offerings. Well, you can imagine what a teenage boy with a devilish sense of humour came up with for revenge. I won't get into any details but I remember being incensed more than once. Miraculously, we got past that and now Steve is one of my closest friends.
When I went into our room the other night - Tom is away on a trip with some other exchange teachers - this is how I found them. When I see them like this, I remember the escapades of my brother and I and I know that they, like us, will be alright.

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