Saturday, April 16, 2011

Rein and Mom Surfing....

Oh....Oh....Oh....she's up....

....she's up!?!

and....she's down!

Today was our last surfing lesson and we made the best of it. I experienced the breakthrough I was looking for. Despite the many falls, I got up almost every time for the first time. Rein made it look like a piece of cake as helps when you have a lower center of gravity and you only weigh about 15 kilos. he going to get up or just lounge his way in....

No, he's up and look - he's carving!!

Rein in action...



  1. Jealous... However the ice is out here. Love the pics, especially the birthday ones; Les, you're great. A bit green with envy around the crab dinner too.
    Love to all.
    Also Les, check it out....Public Roller Derby Training Sessions in Perth -
    Love J&J

  2. Nice job Rein! :)

    From Lana♥
