Friday, January 21, 2011

January 20th, 2011 - Silka cashes in on her "Santa Coupon"

Silka and I dropped Tom and Rein off at Floreat Beach and we went shopping - she wanted to use her "Santa Coupon" that she received from Santa before we left for Australia. He had caught wind that we were moving here for a year and knew that the kids would have limited luggage space.
Well, we didn't get far. She cashed in her coupon at the first store we stopped at. We were browsing around looking at art supplies and games when she happened to look up and something in one of the corners of the shop hanging from the ceiling caught her eye. Princess dresses! "Mommy, look! Beautiful princess dresses!"
She went for the purple one and we were at the counter purchasing it with her coupon in no time. The cashier cut the tags off and she has worn it ever since. I think she would wear it to bed if she could.

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