Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Tom Graduates! October 3oth, 2009

It was grand! It was a packed house! There were speeches of inspiration made by some big Canadian names, David Dodge and Paul Volcker (former chief of the U.S. Federal Reserve).
We proudly watched as Tom was hooded on Grant Hall's stage. Later, there were celebrations at the Dean's luncheon and a dinner at Le Chien Noir.
Congratulations, Thomas!!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween 2009 - StormTroopers and Princess Bunnies

StormTroopers and cute little princess bunnies invaded our home on Saturday night. We went to Sydenham (a small town 10 minutes down the road) where we ate pizza at the local diner and then they led us into the dark night.....

We met up with Pebbles and BamBam (Ruby and Neko) and we visited each pumpkin lit home in town where we were met at the door by ghoulish creatures of every sort. As soon as our cute bunny and menacing storm trooper received a treat from one house they shot off ahead of us to the next. We parents could barely keep up!

When we arrived home, the kids sorted their candy, enjoyed a couple of treats and fell into bed exhausted. A fun night!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Trees of Fire on Buck Lake - October 2009

One morning during the last week of October, the kids and I were sitting at the table eating breakfast....
I looked out across the lake and this is what I saw! I grabbed the camera and ran down to the dock to take a picture. The trees were lit up like orange paint brushes for just a few moments but it was spectacular....