Dear Leslie, Tom, Rein, Silka, & Chopper - Just checked your blog & realized that I'd fallen behind in my late-breaking news. Lots & lots of pix & text to enjoy. Leslie, your writing is getting better & better, more & more entertaining, more & more effortless. So nice to see the latest pix of the kidlets. Glad that all y'all love winter cuz it makes up for those of us who hate winter (the Sane Ones). It's been chilly here, but as Garry keeps pointing out, at least it's not snowing. Most days I manage to swim for exercise. The pool is heated, the hot tub/jacuzzi is lovely & I bought a long fleece robe to put on so I can get home in the open golf cart wearing my wet bathing suit without freezing. It's the sprint between pool & jacuzzi & the one mile ride home that's a little uncomfortable. But you Polar Bear swimmer would make light of that - not like we poor old fat wimpy ladies . . . Looking forward to your March visit . . . Love & hugs, Aunt Tacos & Uncle Garry