Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas 2013 at the Kirby-Olvets

Andres and Violetta arrive with the kids on Christmas Eve. We visited Tiiu and Peter during the ice storm and left the kids behind as we slowly made our way back home to prepare for the holidays and Andres and Violetta's visit.

Rein was the first one up at 7 a.m. on Christmas day. I got up with him and he opened a couple of presents while we waited for the rest to join us.

Silka and Rein sporting some of their Christmas loot - camo and wrist warmers. Yes, that is a Christmas stocking on Silka's left foot.

Andres has discovered a new use for Silka's flamingo pen.

We opened presents, enjoyed a hearty breakfast and then set out on a Christmas hike. We didn't get hit with the amount of freezing rain that Toronto received but the crust on our snowy landscape reminds me of the royal icing they use on gingerbread cookies. We could walk on top and rarely broke through.

Devastating beauty....

Father and son reunited after a long stretch between visits.

Silka peaking through one of nature's windows.

A stop at the icicle factory...

Climbing up to slide down...

Rein just keeps on going.

Violetta takes a turn.

Andres keeps Tom entertained as he creates in the kitchen.

The kids and Violetta keep themselves busy while they wait for the Christmas feast.

Tom's masterpiece - crown roast. Can't wait to dig in!

Nothing better than enjoying great food with those you love. Wishing you all a wonderful holiday season!