Sunday, February 22, 2009

Our weekend in Godfrey, cont'd - it was for the birds.....

Shawn and Julia have their birds trained well. We are still working on ours.....

Here's Rein feeding a chickadee....

none of them were bold enough to take any of the seeds on Rein's head.

February 21 - 22, Weekend at Shawn and Julia's

We went out to Godfrey and spent the afternoon skating, skiing and tobogganing at our friends, Shawn and Julia's place. We ate some of Julia's homemade Chili and played music into the night. We ended the evening with a game of Settlers of Catan. We had a grand ol' time......

Winterlude 2009 - Family Day Weekend

Well, despite the rain the week before, Winterlude activities were still on. We skated some of the canal, slid down the many slides at the winter park and even shared a couple of sugary, sticky beavertails. We met up with Jessica and Nicholas - saw our little cousin for the first time since last summer. He has grown a lot! He will be one year old one day before Silka turns three years old.
We also visited with our Gatineau friends - stayed with Andrew and Tanya and joined the Henry-Jefferies clan at their Birthday Brunch on Sunday.

Another successful winterlude weekend!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Your Latest Blog

Dear Leslie, Tom, Rein, Silka, & Chopper - Just checked your blog & realized that I'd fallen behind in my late-breaking news. Lots & lots of pix & text to enjoy. Leslie, your writing is getting better & better, more & more entertaining, more & more effortless. So nice to see the latest pix of the kidlets. Glad that all y'all love winter cuz it makes up for those of us who hate winter (the Sane Ones). It's been chilly here, but as Garry keeps pointing out, at least it's not snowing. Most days I manage to swim for exercise. The pool is heated, the hot tub/jacuzzi is lovely & I bought a long fleece robe to put on so I can get home in the open golf cart wearing my wet bathing suit without freezing. It's the sprint between pool & jacuzzi & the one mile ride home that's a little uncomfortable. But you Polar Bear swimmer would make light of that - not like we poor old fat wimpy ladies . . . Looking forward to your March visit . . . Love & hugs, Aunt Tacos & Uncle Garry

Winterlude Contiunues at Buck Lake - Feb 1, 2009

Tom went away with the boys to ski at Owl's Head.

Meanwhile, back at the lodge, we built a Luge Run and sculpted a dragon in the snow with our good friends, Kelly, Ruby and Neko. We had a blast!

We all flew down that run for the better part of the day. Even Silka and her friend Neko went down the run on their own together and pulled the tobaggon up the steps on their own to do it all over again.

We laughed a lot that day.......

Winter Wonderland at Buck Lake!

We've been enjoyin
g the snowy winter here on Buck Lake.....

Meet the latest members of our f
amily - Panther and Canada - two very dapper snowmen that have wonderful senses of humor.....

We also added a dwelling to Buck Lake Lodge - a quinzee for a rest area during our skating and skiing adventures. Alas, it did not last long - when it got warm for a it was swallowed up by the slushy mire that seeped up through the snow laden ice and surrounded it.

Our 'stained glass' wall has lasted through all the changes in temperature so far. It's breathtaking when the evening sun shines through them.

We love winter .......