Sunday, April 20, 2008

REIN IS ........


Here he is at 2 1/2 yrs old. Hard to believe so much time has gone by........

Our New Car!!

Well, we finally had to put the Toyota Camry to rest. Thanks to Asta and Lembit we had 6 great years with her.

We traded her in for a 2004 Suburu Outback and we have been enjoying our new ride so far.

It handled our road easily when the snow was melting and the road resembled a mud pit for a while.

Lots of room - especially Chopper. He's got his very own space in the back.

Happy Belated Birthday, Tiiu!

Looking beautiful as usual.

We hope you had a great day!

Lots of love xxxxoooo

Easter with Peter Rabbit!

Tom and the kids celebrated Easter with Tiiu and Peter, Asta and Lembit, and Juta.

They also went on an Easter Egg Hunt and met Peter Rabbit. Rein and Peter Rabbit became fast friends but Silka was not so sure.....

Key Largo: March 9 - 15th

Despite our sicknesses, we managed to enjoy a little bit of our holiday with Papa and Gramma G.

Here is Rein and Tom in the cockpit of a plane set up in a kids play area at the Syracuse airport - the best kid friendly airport by far!

Tom and I got some diving in with Papa, saw some dolphins with the kids, and swam before we were taken out by the flu.