Sunday, February 24, 2008

Mom and Pops Go to the Tragically Hip Concert in Kingston

We went on our monthly date on Saturday Night. We went to the Tragically Hip concert at Kingston's new KRock Centre. It was the first event held there. The place isn't quite finished - there were a lot of closed doors hiding what wasn't completed. BUT the concert was fantastic - Gord Downey was up to his usual oddly entertaining self while his band provided the solid backdrop. Dan Aykroyd introduced them and played harmonica during one of their encores.

It was all "Kingston" in its home-town feel and energy. It was a pleasure to be there.

Rein rips down the hill on his GT Racer

With helmet clapped on and snow flyin' behind him, Rein "the bomber" Olvet takes the corner
efortlessly. His GT Racer glides to a easy stop at the bottom of the hill. He swings his leg up and off the racer and stands triumphantly beside it. "It's all clear!" he yells up to the next hill rider (his Dad). He has conquered the Campbell hill once again.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Tom's Masters in Education - Went to Colloquium on Friday, February 8th

Tom presented on Friday and did very well. The professors present (four) had some lengthy comments but responded favourably without any challenges. Two even said they would like to see Tom pursue a PhD. He now goes to the Ethics Review Board in two weeks.
His advising professor (and I) would like to see him done by the end of the summer......

Rein & Silka - Sunday, February 10th

This picture was taken with my camera. What do you think?


Sunday, February 3, 2008

Our Weekend at Winterlude - Jean Cartier Park, Gatineau, Quebec

We went down slides, tubed down hills, walked through a maze made out of snow, went for a sleigh ride and danced with a dragon.

(Rein and Leslie coming down the slides)

We did this all today - a beautiful day in Gatineau, Quebec with the sun shining on the roofs of our Parliament Buildings directly across the river from us .

(Rein is in the orange hat)

Friday, February 1, 2008

Buck Lake Blasted with 40 cm of Snow!!

Yes.....this is Tom and Rein out in the winter storm that hit us on Friday night. They did the "polar bear" run to our garage and back.

This was definitely the Olvetian side coming out.......Andy you would have been proud (or should I say running right alongside them if you were here).
