Saturday, November 29, 2008

Our Knights in Shining Armour......

Mommy got a little carried away today........
With a roll of duct tape, some pizza boxes and aluminum catering trays, I suited Sir Rein and Lady Silka up with some armour.
Their new jobs for the winter are to protect and defend our Buck Lake fortress against marauding otters and pesky ice fisherman.

They do look intimidating don't they?

Winter Wonderland at Buck Lake - 11/29/08

Winter has arrived!

We woke up on this past Wednesday to this picture from our front window.
We had some time on Thursday morning before we had to head into town, so we tobogganed a bit.
It has stuck around so far and there is supposedly more to come on Monday.
Tom and Rein went cross-country skiing on the Cataraqui Trail today.
We also decorated our "christmas tree" and put up the christmas lights outside.

Christmas is now less than a month away......

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Rock Dunder - Family Hike, November 2nd, 2008

We discovered a new hikers' haven - a beautiful spot.

This great expanse of rock, Rock Dunder, overlooks the Rideau Canal System and as far as the eye can see.
We hiked up here, enjoyed a picnic lunch, watched some rock climbers, and spent some time climbing some bolders and walking the top.


Blub, Blub, blub - Who's that in the Bathtub?

Alfalfa and Alfalfia?

Sunday, October 26, 2008

A visit from Papa, Gramma G, Uncle Mike and Miss Molly....

October 24th - 26th

We had a great visit with Papa, Gramma G and Uncle Mike during this past weekend. We haven't seen them since March, and we were worried that Silka may not have gotten past her fear of Papa's Gruff Grampa voice. However, after a few minutes of apprehension and holding tightly onto Daddy's hand, she warmed up to Papa rather quickly. They ate breakfast with each other Saturday morning - Papa's eyes twinkled as he watched and chuckled while his granddaughter roared like a lion with each bite of her chocolate pancakes.

It rained hard all day, so we played games, read books (Mike read every book that Silka dragged out to him from her bedroom). We went out in the late afternoon and walked grandma and grandpa canine, Miss Molly and Sir Chops-a-lot. Rein and Silka rode their bike and trike through the boat size puddles at the side of the road.

On Sunday we woke up to a much nicer day - the sun was shining and their was a warm breeze. We ate breakfast and got outside. We persuaded Big Uncle Mike and Papa to help get the boat out of the water and put the motor away. There was much grunting but we were successful.

Thanks for the visit Papa, Gramma G and Uncle Mike - and you too, Miss Molly. It was great to see you. See you at the christmas party!!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Rein was climbing the walls .......

This past Sunday at the MEC store in Ottawa. His first climb and he did our chimpanzee cousins proud.

Way to go Rein!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Rogain Race 2008 - Gatineau, Quebec

We grunted, we groaned. We ran down trails, climbed up steep hills. We trudged through swamps, we braved the hawthorn and stinging nettle. We stood atop cliffs to look down at hills ablaze with fall colours. We did all this during an 8 hour Rogaine race.

Rogaining is a type of orienteering where you try to find as many control points as you can in a specified amount of time. The most we could get that day were 46 - we found 21. Not bad for our first attempt. We adventured through the Gatineau hills with close friends. We are now hooked and look forward to doing it again!

Pre Rogaine Race Training - October 13th

Before our big 8 hour Rogaine race on October 18th, we did a trial run in between some local trails.

Rogaining is a type of orienteering where your goal is to find as many control points in a certain time period.

Andy and Violetta joined us for the hike. They kept us with us and we stopped here on this cliff top for a lunch break.


Rein Captures the Gold Medal...

It was a close race.....

It was for the gold medal for latest swim of the year. To qualify, you must swim at least thirty strokes.

Leslie swam on the morning of October 10th thinking that she had clinched the title "Latest Swimmer for 2008". She slipped in the standing to Silver medalist when a cottage neighbour, Tony, took a 42 stroke dip later that morning.

In the end, Rein Olvet surprised them when he slipped out of his clothes and daringly took a qualifying dip with a Thanksgiving crowd to act as a his witness.

Congratulations, Rein! Will someone dare to dip before the end of the year and usurp his reign? Stay tuned......

Thanksgiving 2008 - The Cirque Du Soleil visits Buck Lake

It was a glorious Thanksgiving Celebration. It was warm and sunny, and the leaves rained down on us all day. There were 13 of us that feasted on Turkey and all the trimmings. We ate outside under the late afternoon sun. The conversation was lively and entertaining - there was much laughter between bites. Besides, our family of four, we celebrated our thanks with the Spennato/MacNee 'Cirque Du Soleil' clan - the dapper Uncle George, Aunt Tacos and Garry, Sally, Robert and Katie, Grandma Aida and Grampa Len. We were also joined by some Olvetian representatives, Andy and his tennis partner extraordinaire, Violetta. There was never a dull moment.

Thank you everyone for coming!

Thanksgiving - Cont'd

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Leslie's Second Half-Marathon, Toronto Scotiabank Waterfront Marathon

September 28th, 2008

I went, I was a tough race. I had no running partner that day and I was feeling a bit under the weather, but I still beat my previous time. I managed to come in six minutes earlier with a chip time of 2:02.

What's next? Orienteering race on October 18th.
Next year - adventure race and maybe a triathalon?

The Windsurfing Duo!

September 7th, 2008

It was a windy day on Buck Lake. Enough wind for a good windsurfing run is rare, so Tom got out the board and the sail and got out on the lake before the wind died down. Rein hopped on board and enjoyed his job as his dad's windsurfing sidekick (or ballast).

They were out there for a good half hour dancing in the wind and water back and forth across the lake.

September 6th, 2008 - The Kingston Fall Fair

It is becoming a yearly tradition...

We spend oodles of money on ride tickets, soft ice cream and carnival fare.

The highlights are the rides, of course, the petting zoo and the chicken barn. The kids meet the fanciest and funniest looking breeds of chickens and roosters - Rein and Silka visit each cage and squeal with laughter as their occupants strut around showing off their ridiculous yet majestic plumes.

AND, like any other fair, we enjoy the best people watching and the "carnies" are always entertaining.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Rein's First Day at School - Senior Kindergarten

He barely stopped to give his mother a kiss - He was so excited for his first day back at school.

There wasn't much to report. I guess school is 'old hat' for him now.

He's growing up so fast......

Happy SK, Rein!

Andy, Jake, and Steven - A Visit from the Boys

August 29th - August 31st

It was short but sweet. They arrived, we swam, we packed, we played soccer, we left for the cottage and the boys stayed behind and manned Buck Lake Lodge.

Next time we hope to enjoy a longer visit.


Asta Ilves - 80th Birthday!

Congratulations, Asta!

From Tom's reports, it sounded like quite a party.

Even at 80, you still carry yourself with such beauty and grace. How could one resist the opportunity to serenade you?

Looking forward to seeing you soon.


August 22nd, 1928

Saturday, September 6, 2008

13 Days - Killarney Provincial Park: August 9th - 21st, 2008

We started out in the Rain. It rained for two days. We were discouraged, but then the weather changed. We woke up to the glorious sun shining down on us on our third day. It stayed with us for the remainder of our trip - hidden away occasionally when a few storms' thunderous clouds opened up and gave us a rinse during their journey amongst the white granite peaks of the park.
Despite our rather loud presence (the kids chattering and Chopper barking), we encountered lots of wildlife this trip including two yearling bears on separate occasions. Our first encounter was on Muriel Lake, the mornng after our one and only rest day on the trip. We woke up to Chopper's booming - every piece of fur standing up in a ridge down his back - bark, that immediately made us aware something big was on our site. Tom took a look and Chopper had chased a yearling black bear up a tree not far off. He would do this a few more times, before Tom exited the tent and scared the bear of for good.
We saw another one a few days later swimming approximately 100 meters away from us across the lake we were about to start paddling on. I caught a glimpse of a moose before Chopper started barking. We also saw a number of painter turtles, a snapper that swam under our boat, some blue heron, some beavers, and some loons. One loon even swam under the water towards us coming to just a few feet away. Even at the end of our trip we almost hit a red-tailed hawk that scooped up a small rabbit and was struggling to fly away with it in front of our car. Very exciting!
We stayed at a cabin twice during our trip that was built by the Kramer family in the 1920's. They keep the main room with the fireplace open to anyone who is looking for a place to stay. It was rustic but welcoming to wet and weary travelers like us. It is nestled on a beautiful island on Howry Lake in the Park.
To end our trip we drove to South Baymouth and caught the ChiCheeMaun ferry to Tobermory. We took our time going back home, stopping at a beautiful sandy beach in Olaphant on the Bruce Peninsula. The water was shallow which allowed the kids to play in the water for hours.
Fantastic trip - Killarney Provincial Park gets two thumbs way up for a family canoe tripping destination.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Rein's First Gig as a Magician's Assistant

Busker's Rendezvous - Kingston, July 11th

Rein and another young assistant helped a Magician saw a person in half and pull the boxes holding their upper and lower body apart.

He did an exceptional job and may continue a career as a Magician himself one day....

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Happy Summer, Everyone!

Well, it is officially summer, and Buck Lake is busy! Our seasonal neighbours have arrived in full force. People are boating, canoeing, waterskiing, swimming, and lounging in the sun.

This is a big year for Rein - he is biking on his own now and regularly goes for a spin up the road to visit neighbours. He is also swimming entirely on his own this year. He has become an adept snorkeler. He spends hours a day swimming around with his snorkel and mask discovering new elements of his underwater world.

Silka loves to just sit in the water right up to her chin. Today, she wore water wings and hitched a ride on Tom's and my back as we swam around the dock. She always kicks up a fuss when it is time to come out. Her shivering body and blue lips don't seem to effect her . . . I remember those days.

We have a jam-packed summer of activities ahead of us! We have bought a digital camera to capture more moments to share with you all. Stay tuned....

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Leslie's First Half Marathon - 2:08!

Ottawa ING Race Weekend - May 25th, 2008

I ran a negative split - apparently, this is the way you want to run a race. I ran a slower first half and turned it up in the last half. I guess all my training paid off!

I sprinted to the finish line with the crowd cheering all around me - it was phenomenal!

I have got the running bug and I am looking for my next race......

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Our Two Little Dare Devils!

Here they are.....

Mario Andretti Olvet and Maria Andretti Olvet - racing each other down the hill.

Silka, fearless, screeches as she flies down the hill. Dust flies behind her as she applies her foot brakes to slow down and navigate around the corner to catch up to her brother.

Fun to watch!

Happy Birthday, Lembit!!

May 14th, 19??

We were thinking of you yesterday....
We hope you had a wonderful day.

Tom will be calling tonight.

Lots of love,
The Kirby/Olvet clan

Happy Belated 60th, Peter!

Haven't had a chance to get on here for a while ......

We hope you had a great day and we look forward to celebrating with you on the 30th!!

Love, the Kirby-Olvet clan

Sunday, April 20, 2008

REIN IS ........


Here he is at 2 1/2 yrs old. Hard to believe so much time has gone by........

Our New Car!!

Well, we finally had to put the Toyota Camry to rest. Thanks to Asta and Lembit we had 6 great years with her.

We traded her in for a 2004 Suburu Outback and we have been enjoying our new ride so far.

It handled our road easily when the snow was melting and the road resembled a mud pit for a while.

Lots of room - especially Chopper. He's got his very own space in the back.

Happy Belated Birthday, Tiiu!

Looking beautiful as usual.

We hope you had a great day!

Lots of love xxxxoooo

Easter with Peter Rabbit!

Tom and the kids celebrated Easter with Tiiu and Peter, Asta and Lembit, and Juta.

They also went on an Easter Egg Hunt and met Peter Rabbit. Rein and Peter Rabbit became fast friends but Silka was not so sure.....

Key Largo: March 9 - 15th

Despite our sicknesses, we managed to enjoy a little bit of our holiday with Papa and Gramma G.

Here is Rein and Tom in the cockpit of a plane set up in a kids play area at the Syracuse airport - the best kid friendly airport by far!

Tom and I got some diving in with Papa, saw some dolphins with the kids, and swam before we were taken out by the flu.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Rein and Silka Hammin' It Up

Mommy's shoes and hats are becoming Rein and Silka's favourite dress-up clothes.
Who do you think looks better in them? Mommy or the kids.......

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Mom and Pops Go to the Tragically Hip Concert in Kingston

We went on our monthly date on Saturday Night. We went to the Tragically Hip concert at Kingston's new KRock Centre. It was the first event held there. The place isn't quite finished - there were a lot of closed doors hiding what wasn't completed. BUT the concert was fantastic - Gord Downey was up to his usual oddly entertaining self while his band provided the solid backdrop. Dan Aykroyd introduced them and played harmonica during one of their encores.

It was all "Kingston" in its home-town feel and energy. It was a pleasure to be there.

Rein rips down the hill on his GT Racer

With helmet clapped on and snow flyin' behind him, Rein "the bomber" Olvet takes the corner
efortlessly. His GT Racer glides to a easy stop at the bottom of the hill. He swings his leg up and off the racer and stands triumphantly beside it. "It's all clear!" he yells up to the next hill rider (his Dad). He has conquered the Campbell hill once again.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Tom's Masters in Education - Went to Colloquium on Friday, February 8th

Tom presented on Friday and did very well. The professors present (four) had some lengthy comments but responded favourably without any challenges. Two even said they would like to see Tom pursue a PhD. He now goes to the Ethics Review Board in two weeks.
His advising professor (and I) would like to see him done by the end of the summer......

Rein & Silka - Sunday, February 10th

This picture was taken with my camera. What do you think?
